Sharing with you these important tips posted by CIIT, a digital arts school, on their website for students taking online classes. CIIT is where my son presently enrolled at.
Debunk the negative perceptions about virtual classes. Turn your semester into a productive one with these hacks that will surely boost your focus.

Organize your desk
Clean your workspace and remove clutters that can distract your focus. It’s also best to move your desk in well-lit areas to help keep your senses awake and pump the energy you’ll need for the rest of the day.
Start a journal
Since all modules and quizzes can be done through online learning platforms, it’s easy for you to procrastinate. Then you’ll realize you need to rush all tasks to meet the approaching deadlines. Avoid this vicious cycle with the help of a journal. List all your tasks and sort them by priority. This will help you plan your week ahead and escape any reasons for dawdling.
Turn on your go-to playlist
Working with music on can be a hit or miss depending on the playlist. Play various songs and experiment on genres that can help you improve your focus. Some of these include lo-fi chill beats and study music playlists you can listen to online—and download for free.
Take short breaks
Unplug and refresh your mind. Allot 15-minute breaks in between your classes to help your brain cells recover and prepare for the next module. Grab some snacks or take a short nap before moving back to your desk and completing the rest of the tasks.
Find a study buddy
Studying alone can be quite boring, especially if you’re missing your friends at school. Worry no more! There are many web and mobile apps that you can use for free to meet your study buddy virtually. You can even form study groups and discuss the lessons like you usually do.