Tag Archives: dengue fever

Going to school in jeans

One of the preventive measures being implemented by most schools to halt the spread of dengue in school campuses is to enforce students especially girl students to wear white shirt and jeans to school. Boys have no problem with the rule because they are already using school trousers everyday. Light colored clothing is advisable to drive away mosquito. By and large, dengue-carrying mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothes as they are attracted to dark areas in our house. They lurk in the dimly lit to dark corners inside our house, so be wary of that.

Aside from wearing jeans and shirts, I let my kids apply mosquito repellent before they go to school. As soon as they left for school, I spray insect killer in every corner of the house. But of course, I’m cautious of the possible breeding sites of Aedes Aegptyi – the specie of mosquito that breeds and transmits the fatal dengue virus. No breeding sites, no dengue. The minimal or ignorable breeding site is where the deadly mosquito most probably lurks.

Moms like me whose kids have contracted dengue fever in the past have more than hundred reasons to exercise precautionary measures.

Dengue Rashes

Rashes slowly appear on my kids’ skin as their fever subsides. The rashes are itchy and generally present on the arm, hands and lower extremities. The   pinkish to  reddish rashes are just like pin sized dots and unsightly to look at. I’m afraid that my teenage daughter would get conscious of her skin if the dark blemish won’t disappear like scars left by adult acne.

When You Least Expect It

My sister-in-law and I were discussing about our present situation with me having to attend to my sick kids here at the hospital and my husband who is trying to look for resources so we could pay our hospital bill. Based on hospital policy we have to pay 70 percent of the partial billing for two days. So far, we have paid more than P12,000 and we’re not even sure when the kids will be discharged from the hospital. With what we are going through right now, I wish my kids were just seeking eczema treatment and not afflicted with dengue fever that requires hospital admission.