Tag Archives: casino games

On assignments and project

I should be sleeping (napping) right now, but I’m trying to finish a couple of assignments at this time. I still have 11 more assignments to do excluding this one. I wish to complete all opportunities before their due date come. It’s a big disappointment if I just let the opps expire on my dashboard. It’s not always everyday that I get to receive many assignments in one week. My only concern is that my friend has informed me that the company who hire her for the translation job has given her a tentative date to start the project. It will be on the 28th of this month or on May 3. My friend prefers the latter date to give us ample time to prepare. She was told that the project should be completed in 12 days. I could just imagine the sleepless nights because of the project. But it doesn’t matter, for as long as we’ll be able to deliver a good job (with a promise of good pay of course) it will be worth the eyebags and pimple breakout. Lol!

I wonder if I can squeeze in writing opportunities while doing my other job or play online casino slot games to relax. Some bloggers I know are so engrossed in searching for the best casino games thinking of hitting the jackpot one day. There are numerous websites about casino games on the Internet; one should be wary to discern the legit from the bogus sites.