Working with any kind of corrosive chemicals or substances requires an extra set of safety measures. Being thorough in these protocols is essential for keeping workers out of danger, maintaining a clean environment, and protecting or transporting the substance effectively and safely. Here are some important things to keep in mind when you are working with corrosive chemicals:

Ensure Good Ventilation
The type of ventilation needed in a space containing corrosive substances may differ according to the job. Take into account the materials involved in the work process, the way the chemicals are being stored, how much contact workers might have with it, and the manner in which anything is moved or disposed of. These elements will help determine whether an exhaust fan is sufficient or a complete system of ducts and hoods will be necessary.
Monitor the Environment Temperatures
As a general rule, corrosive substances fare better out of direct sunlight and in an area that is dry and cool. Keep them away from potential sources of heat, such as boilers or steam pipes. Increased temperatures in the space may result in a buildup of pressure in the containers carrying the substance. This pressure could lead to workplace accidents, and should be avoided at all costs.
Store Corrosives Properly
If the substance you are working with is stored improperly, it can result in a damaged container and a potential danger to workers and the site. Ensure that the plating tanks you use are both free from damage and appropriate for the substance they will hold. Label them clearly and then locate them in an area where they will be safe from damage. When the corrosive material is not in use, keep the storage container closed tightly.
Always follow recommended safety protocols when working with corrosive chemicals. Maintain a safe and efficient workplace by ensuring that your workers are well-trained, the space is clean and ventilated, and that the corrosives themselves are properly stored.