In the digital age, educators have access to many tools and resources. They can use them to enhance their classrooms and engage students in learning.
One of the most essential roles technology can play in engaging students is accommodating all learning styles. Auditory learners, for instance, often need to hear information instead of reading it.
Boost Engagement
Despite the many benefits of technology, some studies show that students are still more likely to learn best through a teacher’s guidance. It is especially true for younger children who may benefit from a more hands-on approach to learning.
Educators can boost engagement by providing a safe space where students can discuss their feelings about classroom topics. For example, if students are feeling anxious about an upcoming project, they can share their feelings online through social media and discuss solutions with classmates.
Another way that teachers can foster engagement is by creating a collaborative environment where students can work together to complete assignments and tasks. For instance, they can make a collaborative wiki page where students can post notes and images illustrating their ideas.
When implemented correctly, technology tools to engage students in the classroom can boost student engagement and foster close relationships between teachers and their students. These resources can also provide students with a forum for questions and comments, which will aid in improving their crucial communication skills.

Create a Collaborative Environment
Technology tools can create a collaborative environment in a classroom where students work together to solve problems and complete projects. These learning activities build relationships, encourage participation and improve student retention.
Educators worldwide are shifting their classroom practice from individual instruction to team-based approaches. Many technology tools are designed to boost collaboration in classrooms and online learning environments.
One way teachers can help students collaborate is through online discussion forums. These platforms are handy for those who struggle with face-to-face communication, like English language learners and those with specific learning disabilities.
Another way to foster collaboration is through online learning games. These tools allow students to work on a virtual or augmented reality project and receive feedback from other players.
These tools can also be used in planning to engage citizens in transportation and land use issues. Visualizations of alternative scenarios and solutions can help community members understand the trade-offs involved in different policies and plan alternatives.
Help Students Communicate
Technology tools offer a variety of ways for students to communicate. Social media platforms, email, and text messaging apps are some of the most popular.
Another helpful communication tool is Google Hangouts, which allows group voice and video calls. It helps students work together in the classroom or at home, even if they’re not in the same room.
Assistive technologies can also help students who are hard of hearing, have visual impairments, or have other challenges with communication. These tools use bright lights, sounds, tactile cues, and magnified graphics to support learning and communication.
Some of these tools can be high-tech, like speech-generating devices that read educational content out loud for students with weak oral language skills or screen readers that display the written word and read aloud to visually impaired students.
Teachers can use these tools to engage students in class by asking questions and assessing their responses. It can help them track their progress and adjust their teaching methods.
Make Learning More Accessible
Providing students with a wide range of technology tools is a great way to make learning more accessible. These technologies help teachers deliver content in various formats and allow students to engage with content from anywhere.
Technology tools are an excellent approach for teachers to differentiate education while enabling students to participate in group activities. Students who have disabilities should pay particular attention to this.
For example, educational apps allow students with disabilities to learn independently. It makes it easier for them to complete assignments and tasks that would otherwise be too difficult to achieve alone.
However, despite this, technology can still have limitations when it comes to accessibility. For instance, a tool may be better suited to answering a question like, “Is this image accessible?” rather than digging into the nuances that make a page more accessible to a wide range of students.
Luckily, many learning management systems offer native accessibility tools to help educators ensure their courses comply with web standards.
Help Students Develop Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship is a skill set that all students must learn and incorporate into their lives. It empowers them to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly online and in the real world.
As educators, we are responsible for teaching these skills to our students. However, we often need help finding the time and resources to implement these programs in our classrooms effectively.
To help with this, teachers can use blended learning – a combination of face-to-face and online learning experiences designed to enhance each other. With a mix of traditional face-to-face lessons and online or mobile technology, blended learning helps students develop digital citizenship in a safe and controlled environment.
A blended approach can also help you engage students in the digital citizenship discussion and encourage them to take action when they notice signs of poor or unsafe behavior online.
One way to teach digital citizenship is to invite guest speakers, such as police officers, network security experts, and social media managers, into the classroom to discuss the real-world dangers of sharing personal information online. In addition to covering topics like screen time, internet safety, and plagiarism, these guests can provide valuable insight into the dangers of digital illiteracy.