Monthly Archives: May 2014

The inevitable tuition fee hike

burdened parent tf hike

My daughter has already reserved section and schedule for the first term of the new school year through Online Self-Enrollment System today. From the same website, we were able to find out the amount that we were supposed to pay. While we’re expecting an increase in tuition fee, we have no idea that the hike would be that big. It’s a good thing that my daughter is entitled to a 50 percent discount.

As a parent, do you feel the burden of tuition fee hike this year?

(Date published May 21, 2014)

Get rid of clutter

With only a couple of weeks before the opening of classes, the kids should have already cleared their respective study tables of stuff that they no longer use. This is to give way to their new set of books, notebooks, and other items. It would be easier for them to sort their stuff without the clutter. Their study tables don’t have cabinet hinges to hold all their belongings, so they might as well get rid of the old stuff.